Membership Roster
All Pacific Outpost officers and active troopers can be found below. Click on a picture for more information about that trooper.
Garrison Commanding Officer:Kaleiwahea M Kealoha (51575)
Garrison Executive Officer:
Guillermo R Rivero (5897)
Second Council Seat:
Guillermo R Rivero (5897)
Garrison Event Coordinator:
Joseph Flook (61937)
Garrison Event Coordinator:
Luke K Withy-Berry (30598)
Garrison Event Coordinator:
Angie Hanai (73378)
Garrison Event Coordinator:
Kaleiwahea M Kealoha (51575)
Garrison Webmaster:
Jeroen Joosten (80866)
Garrison Public Relations Officer:
Francis Moreira (88001)
Garrison Membership Liaison:
Kaleiwahea M Kealoha (51575)
Garrison Membership Liaison:
Philip C Tamboa (99972)
Garrison Web Liaison:
Jeroen Joosten (80866)
Garrison Web Liaison:
Philip C Tamboa (99972)
Garrison Charity Representative:
Angie Hanai (73378)
Garrison Charity Representative:
Kaleiwahea M Kealoha (51575)
Garrison Charity Representative:
Joseph Flook (61937)
Garrison Charity Representative:
Luke K Withy-Berry (30598)
Garrison Merchandising & Branding Officer:
Francis Moreira (88001)
Garrison Merchandising & Branding Officer:
Jay F Acierto (47738)
Members (45 members):

TK 2581

ID 3007

TK 5897

BH 7278

IC 7387

TB 7432

TK 7888

CC 8209

TK 11229

TD 11294

BH 12334

DZ 13280

IG 18583

TK 20023

TB 26514

DZ 28537

SL 30598

AR 31315

TX 47738

SL 50007

TK 50199

ID 51575

TR 51617

TB 51880

BH 61337

TS 61937

DZ 64332

DZ 64572

DZ 73378

DZ 73752

TX 74335

DZ 78087

DZ 78910

TS 80866

DZ 80877

TK 80889

IG 82509

TX 84082

ID 84114

TK 88001

TB 92776

DZ 96717

IC 96789

DZ 96818

DS 99972